Julia Jessee Buckley

Julia Jessee Buckley

Julia Jessee Buckley’s charcoal tint portrait as a young woman, ca. 1875. Possibly at time of her marriage to John Buckley. They came to Niwot in 1904 from Auburn, Nebraska. Moved to North 83rd Street farm about 1912.
Alvah Dodd Farmhouse Artwork

Alvah Dodd Farmhouse Artwork

Black pen-and-ink illustration of Alvah Dodd farmhouse with a white picket fence and windbreak trees. Barn off to side. Riding cart with two-horse team at front gate. Signed with initials GA, and dated May 1881. Printed on heavy art paper.
Painting of Niwot State Bank

Painting of Niwot State Bank

Pastel painting of 1909 Niwot State Bank building, rendered in 2010 when it had become Niwot Realty office. Terry Ludwig, pastel artist and owner of Terry Ludwig Pastels, in Littleton, Colorado. Framed in wooden gilt frame with white molded matting. Protected by...
Oil Painting – Clyde Bolton Barn

Oil Painting – Clyde Bolton Barn

Oil painting of Clyde Bolton barn and silo by Alice Wright Sollenberger, sister of Earl Bolton and granddaughter of Clyde. Barn still standing – 6893 Niwot Rd., Niwot. Clyde and Eunice Bolton lived on property about 1897-1920; then moved to 2029 Mapleton Ave. in...