Niwot School Baseball Team 1936

Niwot School Baseball Team 1936

Niwot School baseball team, 1936 (6th, 7th, 8th graders). Back row: Gordon Knaus, Sam Hornbaker, Earle Conilogue, Jim Coulter, Ira Bennett, Ernie Borrego, Klebert Rigot, Leland Sanders. Front row: Charles Woodcock, Alfonso Borrego, Harvey Conilogue.
Julia Jessee Buckley

Julia Jessee Buckley

Julia Jessee Buckley’s charcoal tint portrait as a young woman, ca. 1875. Possibly at time of her marriage to John Buckley. They came to Niwot in 1904 from Auburn, Nebraska. Moved to North 83rd Street farm about 1912.
Irvin and Jessie Buckley House

Irvin and Jessie Buckley House

The 4-room farmhouse at 7410 North 83rd Street, Niwot, where John Buckley’s son Irvin and his wife Jessie Mason Buckley lived. They were married on January 17, 1904 and arrived in Niwot in the third week of December 1904, stayed with the Hessee’s son on...
Niwot School Class of 1921

Niwot School Class of 1921

Niwot Eighth Grade graduating class, 1921. Back row: Lulu Mae Buckley, Mary Dabowski, (her father operated the road A2 grader), ________, Susie Cito (lived on Gunbarrel Hill). Front row: The Deane boy, teacher Mrs. Woodcock.